Inspiring Inclusive Communities Through Self-Advocacy

Members vary in all ages and all identify as having an intellectual disability. Today there are many of the original members still involved. Loud and Clear Qld began in 2014.

Loud and Clear Qld meets on a Wednesday afternoon, every 3 weeks in Nambour on the Sunshine Coast Queensland.

Loud and Clear Qld is supported by P2P and Spiral through an Information, Linkage and Capacity building grant. 

A member of Loud and Clear Qld is elected to represent Queensland on Our Voice. Our Voice is a group of self-advocates supported by the members of Inclusion Australia. 

Loud and Clear Conference 2023

Looking Back at the 2023 Conference and Concert

The 2023 conference concert was a blast for everyone who attended! You can view some photos of the day below, click on the photo to view it in full screen. 

You can read all about it on our Blog – Click here.