Understanding the NDIS Child Safety Interface

In this blog post, we will explore and provide some information on Child safety in Queensland and how this can affect NDIS plans for children. 

The Child Safety Department’s role is to protect children and young people who are at risk of harm or who have been harmed. They investigate concerns that a child or young person may be at risk or has been harmed. They also provide ongoing services and support to children and young people who may be experiencing or are at risk of experiencing harm. Child safety work under the Child Protection Act 1999.

When a child’s parents are unable or unwilling to protect them, child protection services may be needed. They may put in place a child protection order. These orders can vary in time and depending on the order in place will determine who has custody of the child, who has guardianship and who is the decision maker.

The NDIS Act 2013 requires that all participants under the age of 18 be represented by a parent or guardian. Sometimes this guardian can be the child safety representative if the participant is under a child protection order. Depending on which order is in place for the participant, will determine who can make decisions about their NDIS plan and supports. 

If you would like more information on Child safety, further information can be found on the Queensland Government website- Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.


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