Employment 4 U forum Gladstone

On Saturday 27th April, 2024 the inaugural P2P Employment 4 U forum was held at the Phillip Street Communities and Families Precinct. After months of meetings and planning by a dedicated team of Volunteers the event was a great success with approx 90 people attending the conference and over 60 attending the concert held that night.  

Forum attendees included people with disabilities, families and carers, support workers, and representatives from the Gladstone Council and Service Provider organisations.  

The day started with a Welcome to Country by Aunty Cecilia accompanied by Uncle Greg on the didgeridoo. 

Captain Chris Ford (Salvation Army) was the Master of Ceremonies (M.C.) for the day and invited Stand by Me Gladstone Coordinator Gaye to welcome attendees and introduce the local ‘models’ who showcased different occupations that people with disabilities could aspire to apply for.

P2P’s Tee presented the first session of the day talking about Personalised Projects, a way for people with disabilities and their families to explore their goals and plan a pathway to achieve their objectives. P2P has collaborated with people with disabilities to design activities and resources tailored for people with disabilities and their families to enhance their abilities and understanding to achieve their aspirations. With support from a P2P facilitator, people with disabilities can create and plan a project personalised to their preferences.

Tee handed out cards to attendees asking “Why do you need a job?” and “What do you need a job for?”  Attendees with disabilities shared their answers.  Unsurprisingly, to earn money to do the things they wanted was the most popular reason they wanted a job.

What was interesting about the “What” question was how many people said they needed an attitude to get a job.  The frequency of this answer is something that P2P would like to explore further.

After a break for morning tea, generously supplied by Integreat Queensland Inc the next session showcased Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) graphic goal-setting process. 

Initially used by businesses as a Planning Tool for future and strategic planning, this process was adapted by Jack Pierpoint, Marsha Forest, and John O’Brien, for use in the disability sector.  P2P has been facilitating PATH since 2009.


PATH can be used to explore employment options or for NDIS planning and goal setting.  PATH, a Person Centred Tool, can be used by an NDIS participant preparing for a review.  

Next, it was time for the first panel which Elise Ganley from Qld Community Alliance hosted.   Panel members included representatives from small businesses, and people with disabilities sharing their stories of getting employment.

After lunch, it was time for the second panel.  This topic was ways to find a job.   Speakers included representatives from Employment providers and Carers Qld.

The final session was “Being a part of creating change”.  It was presented by members of the Gladstone Regional Council and a representative from the Disability Community Network. 

After the conference over 60 people gathered at the Yaralla Sports Club to be entertained by local performers and dance to Tina Turner’s Proud Mary and Nut Bush. Sunshine Coast rapper MC Wheels let everyone in the building know that we were there to celebrate a successful day.  

P2P would like to thank the following sponsors without whom the event would not have been possible.

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