Christmas lights up inclusive nights

Out and about on the streets of the Sunshine Coast during this time of year there is a warm colourful evening glow. An atmosphere that is so enticing it encourages people young and old out of their homes like a moth to flame.

Yes, I am talking about the magical display of Christmas lights. Hours of carefully positioned bulbs on family homes. Displays and props galore. Staple guns, cable ties and endless lengths of tangled cord filled fun! .

As I sit in my garage watching the crowds gather next to the driveway admiring our neighbour’s glowing house I cannot help but notice this parade of diversity, inclusion, and community spirit at its finest. 

Not only is this free community activity fully accessible, you can walk, wheel, scoot, drive, stim or dance your way down the street however you please!

What a fantastic opportunity to participate fully in our community. To meet new people and share in a common interest of excitement, wonder and joy at your own pace. No matter your ability. 

Studies reflect the benefits of social and community participation bringing a sense of health and wellbeing, while being valued for your own abilities and uniqueness. 

After a challenging year, starved of social connection, I am so grateful to witness how awesome everyone’s joy and common goal of togetherness breaks down the social barriers.

If you haven’t already ventured out to explore the neighbourhood, I encourage you to gather up your supports, family and friends and witness this for yourselves.

Christmas lights up inclusive nights.

Christmas lights

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