The A to Z of the NDIS

We at P2P have compiled our A to Z of the NDIS.

A – access requirements

The criteria someone must meet to become a participant in the NDIS. The access requirements are:

  • Age: under 65 years.
  • Residency: live in Australia and be an Australian citizen or have paperwork letting you live here permanently.
  • Disability: your disability is permanent (will not go away) or you need early intervention (to be treated early that will help by reducing the future needs for supports).

B – Be Brave

P2P can support and guide you through the NDIS planning process and advocate for you. You can do it!

C – Choice and Control

A participant has the right to make their own decisions about what is important to them and to decide how they would like to receive their supports and who from.

D – Disability

Total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions (The Disability Act 1992). Describes a person’s impairment of body or function, a limitation in activities or a restriction in participation when interacting with their environment.

E – Early Intervention

One of the objectives of the NDIS is to support people through ‘early intervention’ so that their disability is less likely to prevent them from participating in society in the future. The NDIS will help adults or children as early as possible. This means that help and support may help things improve or stop things getting worse.

F – Formal Supports

The types of formal supports that the NDIS may fund for participants may include:

  • Daily personal activities
  • Transport to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities
  • Workplace help to allow a participant to successfully get or keep employment in the open or supported labour market
  • Therapeutic supports including behaviour support
  • Help with household tasks to allow the participant to maintain their home environment
  • Help to a participant by skilled personnel in aids or equipment assessment, set up and training
  • Home modification design and installation
  • Mobility equipment, and
  • Vehicle modifications.”

G – Goals

Things a participant wishes they could do or achieve in the future, with the help of the NDIS.

H – Help

P2P can help with any assistance and advice to do with your NDIS process – just ring, email or ask us on Facebook

Phone:  1800 777 723  /  Email:

I – Informal Supports

The supports participants get from the people around them, for example family, friends, neighbours.

J – Justice  

P2P works towards justice, support and inclusion for people with a disability. P2P focuses on the needs, rights and interests of people with a disability

K – Knowledge

Come along to as many NDIS Readiness workshops and information sessions as you can. Being knowledgeable about the NDIS will really help when it comes to writing your plan

L – Local Area Coordinators (LAC)

LACs are local organisations working in partnership with the NDIA, to help participants, their families and carers access the NDIS. LACs will help participants write and manage their plans and also connect participants to mainstream services and local and community-based supports.

M – Mainstream services

The government systems providing services to the Australian public e.g. health, mental health, education, justice, housing, child protection and employment services.

N – Nominee

A person who is appointed to act and make decisions for a participant who does not have a parent or guardian. 

O – Older persons

NDIS will help an older person (who is still under 65 years of age) with equipment or aids in their home so they can stay at home, rather than go into an aged care home.

P – Plan Manager

Parent to Parent (P2P) provides support such as processing claims through the NDIS and paying your invoices. We’ll organise paperwork and provide you with access to up to date expenditure reports to check at any time.

Q – Quality and safeguards

Ensuring people with disability have access to high-quality supports and services, and that there are standards and checks for these supports and services.

R – Reasonable and necessary

Reasonable means something fair and necessary means something you must have. The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports relating to a person’s disability to help them live an ordinary life and achieve their goals.

S – Support Coordinator

P2P Support Coordinators connect you with your local community, the material supports and services needed to bring your plan to life. Our role is to empower you and those around you by working with you so that your unique goals can be realised by accessing the best supports and services available in your region.

T – Therapy

The NDIS will help with the access to and use of therapy supports so that assistance can improve a person’s life to improve independence, health and well-being.

U – Unique understanding

The views and experiences of your carer and your family will be important in the planning process for the NDIS because they have a unique understanding of the person you are and your life.

V – Voice

You have a powerful voice and will be listened to when you are making your NDIS plan, setting your goals and planning for your future

W – Workforce

Refers to people working in the disability support sector.

Y – Your life, your plan

As an eligible NDIS participant, you will have input into your plan. Considering your own goals and what you would like to achieve will assist you in your planning session, where you will also get to choose your service providers. Your plan will undergo a yearly review and you can change service providers at any time.

Z – Zealous

How Parent 2 Parent staff approach planning for NDIS

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