Global Diversity Centre has sights on The Sunshine Coast

International fashion photographer, turned disability advocate, Rick Guidotti returns to the Sunshine Coast in November for a three-day photo shoot, furthering his global outreach work championing genetic diversity and showcasing his vision for a Global Diversity Centre.

His vision for the Centre is driven by what he describes as “a void” when it comes to celebrating diversity.

Today we have the Museum of Tolerance, the Underground Railroad Freedom Centre, the Tenement Museum and more. When it comes to disability diversity, there is a void. There is no venue in the world that celebrates persons with disabilities.”

The three-day shoot represents the first steps towards creating a home for the Centre on the Sunshine Coast. Some 30 individuals living with genetic difference will be photographed at various iconic locations across the coast in readiness for an Exhibition to be held in early 2018.

The Exhibition was inspired by Rick’s visit to the region earlier in the year as Key Note Speaker at the Chromosome 18 Australasia Conference, where he shared his vision of the Centre with delegates.

Rick’s visit and engagement with the local community resulted in the University of the Sunshine Coast offering Rick an Adjunct Professorship.

“Rick’s multidisciplinary work, within his not for profit organisation, Positive Exposure, embraces the arts, disability, health and business and is a perfect fit for the University,” said Dr Eva-Marie Seeto, Director of USC’s Community Engagement.

The photographic shoot is supported by Chromosome 18 Australasia, the University of the Sunshine Coast and local disability services, Parent to Parent and Spiral Inc. Rick will also share his some of his current work and plans for a Global Diversity Centre on Tuesday, November 21 at the Sunshine Coast Council’s Arts and Ecology Centre.

“As we’ve come to know Rick, we know that a Global Diversity Centre will become a reality in the very near future. So, why not host the first one here on the Sunshine Coast?” said Parent to Parent’s CEO, Jodi Wolthers.

Chromosome 18‘s President, Marlene Brightwell is optimistic about the future. “We’ve got an incredibly diverse community and the Centre will bring so much to the region by way of inclusive employment, cultural tourism and a place to truly celebrate the beauty to be found in diversity.”

A Global Diversity Centre Showcase will be held on Tuesday, November 21st at 5:30 pm.

Please contact Veronica Wain on 0433 433 204 or email for further details.

See Rick’s work at Positive Exposure:

Change how you see, see how you change

Change how you see, see how you change

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