Disability Employment Centre of Excellence

Improving Employment Opportunities for People with Disability in Australia

Did you know that one in six Australians – that’s around 4.4 million people – have a disability? 

Many people with a disability face considerable barriers that stop them from working when or where they want to. Or stop them from having a job at all.  This affects how they connect with their community.

Even though the Australian Government is doing work in this area, there is still a lot more to be done.  Employment rates for people with a disability haven’t changed much in 20 years.

To help with this, the Australian Government has committed to establishing a Disability Employment Centre of Excellence. This idea came from previous consultation reports, discussion papers, and submissions, which showed there is a need for a centre.  Our national partner, Inclusion Australia, was part of the consultation and we have also contributed to it over the years.

As a first step, the Department of Social Services has written an options paper with ideas for a model for the Centre of Excellence, outlining objectives, roles, and scope.

The Department is seeking the thoughts and ideas from people with a disability, family members, carers, advocates, service providers, peak bodies, universities, academics and other organisations. These ideas and comments are important to help create a strong Centre of Excellence that supports people with a disability to prepare for work, find employment, maintain their jobs, and advance their careers.

You can share your ideas on the Department’s website, or you can send an email to COE@dss.gov.au

Your ideas are important to achieve a more inclusive society.   


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