Would you like to be involved in the Stand by Me project?
The Stand By Me (SBM) project is funded by the Department of Social Services’ Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program. The program aims to strengthen the capacity of people with intellectual disability and their family members to “stand by and then stand behind their adult family member with intellectual disability”.
Parent to Parent Association Queensland is seeking Expressions of Interest for the role of Peer Facilitator. We are seeking family members/parents of a person with intellectual disability who have experienced a life transition.
If you are interested in developing and co-facilitating peer groups, and are in the Sunshine Coast, Gladstone or the Fraser Coast, we’d love to hear from you.
Please contact your local Stand By Me Coordinators for more information:
Sunshine Coast: beth.hawes@standbymeproject.org.au
Fraser Coast: jane.hudson@standbymeproject.org.au
Gladstone: gaye.collins@standbymeproject.org.au
Or complete the attached expression of interest form and return to your local coordinators.