P2P is currently involved in a project by SECCA to create a Queensland specific guide to sexuality, relationships, and rights.
SECCA is the Sexuality Education Counselling and Consultancy Agency which is a not for profit organisation founded in 1991 based in Perth, Western Australia. They currently have a resource titled “Sexuality, Relationships and Your Rights” (SRAYR) which they are reviewing and replicating in each Australian state and territory.
SRAYR was developed with 18 peak bodies and organisations in WA related to disability, justice, and sexuality. SRAYR has been used by parents with children without a disability, school based teachers, external educators, Legal Aid and community legal centres, WA Police, as well as those organisations involved in its production.
You can access the resource for free here.
P2P is very excited to be a part of this project and we look forward to the production of a Queensland adapted resource.