Payge’s Story: Having a Say 2024

The Having a Say conference is for people with intellectual disabilities. The aim is for everyone to have a say about issues that are affecting them, to celebrate their abilities and Achievements.

Allycia and I, from Loud and Clear, travelled on a bus and a plane to Geelong for the event. This gives us the opportunity to learn how to travel on different types of transport. It increases our knowledge and understanding and improves our abilities.

At the conference I had a few jobs to do. As an Our Voice member I worked on the Inclusion Australia information table. We shared information about Our Voice and Inclusion Australia and what we can do for people with intellectual disabilities.

The Our Voice committee gave a presentation on the importance of being involved on boards and committees, the good, the bad and being included to have a say. Each Our Voice member felt they presented with confidence and knowledge. We did an awesome job!

I attended presentations where I learnt new things. I also did activities where I got to go on my first Harley ride and I made a dreamcatcher. I met great people and made new friends.

The highlight of the conference was the concert night, which was on the last night. We chatted with friends, ate a nice meal and listened to an awesome band. We danced all night.  


It was epic!

Going to a conference is a great experience because we get to travel, listen to presentations from other people with intellectual disabilities, hang out with friends and meet new people.

We celebrate inclusion and the abilities and achievements of amazing people within our disability community.



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