Organisational changes

P2P was founded in 1988 by a group of families concerned about the future for their sons and daughters with disabilities. Their goal was to support each other and to initiate positive change in the lives of people with disabilities.

Since then, we have supported people with a disability and families to access training and tools to empower them; to identify what they could do and how they could do it; and encouraged them to fight against the barriers they had in their way. 

Since our beginnings, much has changed, and much has, sadly, stayed the same. New challenges have also emerged since the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. 

P2P stands beside people with disabilities and their families so they don’t feel alone on their journey. Since the introduction of the NDIS, we have been providing Plan Management and Support Coordination as well as support for Housing modifications. In doing this work, we have strived to always treat people and families with respect and do not judge their decisions while offering these services.

Moving forward

The last few years have allowed us to come to the realisation that we cannot be the organisation that we want to be and deliver the quality of service that we want to be known for if we continue to offer the broad range of options we have been doing. 

The decision to close down our Support Coordination and Housing services was not an easy one to make. We do, however, feel it is the right decision to enable us to be the grassroots organisation that was started by a group of parents 24 years ago.

Going forward we will continue to deliver Plan Management while focussing on our PATH planning and successfully achieving the desired outcomes of our projects.

The Board and Management would like to thank you for choosing P2P and for your loyalty as we continue to navigate the NDIS. 

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