Louise Fletcher’s Silent Thanks

Famed actress Louise Fletcher from the classic film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest passed away recently at the age of 88. While being a fantastic actress, she was also raised by two parents who were deaf.

Fletcher in a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. (Getty Images)

Estelle Caldwell Fletcher was born deaf and Rev. Robert C. Fletcher lost his hearing when he was struck by lightning at the age of 4. Both worked at deaf ministries in Alabama from 1929 to 1972 and raised 3 children together.

We feel it is very inspiring to share a great example of how having a disability does not stop you from raising a family. You are as much of a hero to anyone, even a beautiful Oscar winning actress.

Louise Fletcher’s winners speech at the 1976 Academy Awards.

~~ Drew – Stand by Me

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