There are statistics recorded on so many things today, but I hadn’t thought of the challenges the Kingaroy Rotary Club are facing through lack of data/statistics. The Club want to make life more enjoyable for children in wheelchairs in the South Burnett by installing wheelchair-accessible play equipment in their park on the corner of Haly and Fisher Streets in Kingaroy.
They need to apply for a grant to enable them to install the equipment and herein lies the problem. In the grant application, they need firm data on potential demand. When you think about it, where might this type of information be collated? They have tried local disability services, schools and even the Bureau of Statistics, all to no avail.
It’s wonderful that the Kingaroy Rotary Club is working to remove some of the limitations for children in wheelchairs accessing playgrounds. How much fun to be able to hop on a swing or carousel like other children. If anyone has any ideas where the club might be able to find data on the number of children in wheelchairs, I would love to hear from you. In the meantime, if you have a child who could benefit from wheelchair accessible play equipment in Kingaroy please email Club secretary Mr Ray Pitt at