Loud and Clear Qld has a representative who attends the Sunshine Coast Council Access and Inclusion Coordination Meeting every 3 months.
As a new initiative in 2024 one of our Loud and Clear members with Intellectual Disability will accompany our co-ordinator to this meeting. The aim is to increase the exposure of Loud and Clear members in community forums, and to provide increased networking, learning and self-advocacy opportunities.
Various members of the disability community and council representatives attend the Sunshine Coast Council Access and Inclusion Coordination meeting to talk about community activities, issues, and improvements.
Graham was our first member to attend in March 2024 and said he enjoyed the meeting.
He learned how to sign into the new Sunshine Coast Council City Hall, and how to be an active member in a community forum.
Graham then reported back to the Loud and Clear members the topics that were discussed which were:
- Supported Independent Living (SIL) options through Get Going Support
- Bamboo Projects is a mental health and disability charity that works with people to clean up our waterways https://bambooprojects.org/
- What is planned for 2024: All Access Day at the Beach and Disability Action Week activity updates and planning. These events are inclusive and fun community activities for people with disabilities in December
- Accessible beach program to discuss which beaches are accessible with beach chairs, mats, and other equipment through the Surf Life Saving Clubs https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/living-and-community/community-support/access-inclusion-and-disability/accessible-beach-program
- Mobility mapping works with the community to map accessible places and a range of options for travel across the Sunshine Coast https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/Living-and-Community/Community-Support/Access-inclusion-and-disability/Mobility-mapping
- SCAAN which is the Sunshine Coast Access and Advisory Network, is a voluntary organisation with a goal of making the Sunshine Coast the most accessible community in Australia https://www.scaan.org.au/
Loud and Clear Qld would like to thank the Sunshine Coast Council Access and Inclusion Coordination Meeting for having us attend.