From the Plan Managers

Improved Relationships Funding

The NDIS funding includes a capacity building category called Improved Relationships.  What types of supports does this cover and who can use this support? 

This type of funding is included in a plan where specific behaviour concerns or needs have been raised. The goal of this funding is to assist the participant to manage behaviours, grow social skills and build their support system. 

Improved Relationships covers two areas:

Specialist behaviour intervention support

This is an intensive support for a participant, intending to address significantly harmful or persistent behaviours of concern. Behaviour support requires a behaviour support plan to be developed that aims to limit the likelihood of behaviours of concern developing or increasing once identified. This plan outlines the specifically designed positive behavioural support strategies for a participant, their family and support persons that will help reduce the impact of the behaviour.

Individual Social Skills Development

This support assists participants to develop their social skills for participation in community and social activity. 

Unfortunately, before you go out seeking Improve Relationship supports, to claim from this category, you will need to see if it is in your plan. This funding is something that needs to be requested and not all NDIS participants will be eligible or have it already included in their current plan. 

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