DJ McGlynn

DJ McGlynn has been the Development Coordinator for the Compass Institute for over three and a half years and has oversight of the grants and fundraising, Corporate Partnerships and Events portfolio. During this time DJ has also had supervision over all eight of the Compass Enterprises and continues to

provide strategic direction and efficiency management to each site. DJ has an extensive background in the Corporate Business sector and utilises this wealth of knowledge to implement sound business practices and Corporate Social Responsibility to the Not For Profit Sector.

The Compass Institute is a Sunshine Coast based charity providing learning and development, vocational opportunities and enrichment programs to people living with a disability. Compass uses an innovative further education model that allows young people with disabilities to make a smooth transition from school to an increasingly independent future.Compass continues to be the leader in the disability sector by dramatically changing the philosophy behind this type of service from one of passive recreation to a pathway of lifelong learning, skills based training and vocational opportunities. Our values and our culture are centred on empowerment and inclusion and our staff and young people have proven that anything is possible where there is vision, self-belief and a strong work ethic.

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