December Newsletter

Parent to Parent would like to wish you and your family and friends a safe and enjoyable Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

To give our staff a well-earned break our office will close on Monday 18th of December 2017 and will re-open on Monday 15th of January 2018.

Please find attached our December 2017 newsletter.

As part of our continued preparation for the implementation of the NDIS into Queensland, we are currently moving to a new software system to improve our service delivery.  As part of this work, we would like to take the opportunity to update our database and your details.

Would you please complete our Membership form on our website.

In order to improve the services we are able to offer you, we ask you to please complete the stakeholder consultation form by the end of January.

Kind regards,

Parent to Parent

The silly season has started already out office

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