From the Plan Managers:
Understanding the language of the NDIS
The NDIS world contains a lot of really confusing words and acronyms. Not only are the words sometimes unclear, but the NDIA are constantly changing their minds and creating new names for different things.
Parent to Parent wants to help make sure that participants and nominees are able to understand some of these NDIS specific words.
That’s why we have created a new glossary containing a list of different NDIS words and terms and what they mean.
We hope this will help you understand the complicated words and be more informed about the NDIA.
P2P also has other resources available to help participants and providers understand the NDIA. You can find them on our website: Click Here. We know that it can be difficult to understand all of the information and rules that surround many NDIS supports.
Some topics include:
Reasonable and necessary
Choice and control
How to ask for an early review
We also have information on some of the tricky to claim things like:
Short term accommodation or respite (STA)
Smart Devices
Meal Preparation
If there is a resource that is missing from our website that you want to learn about, please let us know!