As a team Leanne and Payge facilitated the Your Service, Your Rights Project. It is to educate people with intellectual disabilities about getting their rights met when using services, and who to contact when making a complaint. The most memorable moments about Your Service, Your Rights were getting to meet support services across the Sunshine Coast, their participants and their staff.
February – December: Our Voice
Our Voice is a self advocacy group run by people living with intellectual disabilities. There are 5 participants who represent their own state, e.g. I represent Queensland. We meet on zoom each fortnight and discuss what affects people with intellectual disabilities in our states. I like being part of Our Voice because I love participating in self-advocacy talks and meeting new friends from across the country.
February: Having a Say
I attended Having a Say in Geelong along with my Our Voice friends to represent each of the states we live in. Having a Say conference is a national conference held each year in Geelong, Victoria. It is a conference for people with intellectual disabilities and is the biggest one in the country. I like Having a Say because it was a good experience to learn how to travel, and meet new people from different states.
July: P2P 25th Anniversary Party
P2P held their 25th Anniversary Party to celebrate supporting people with disabilities for 25 years. Present staff, past staff and Board members attended the night of celebration and fun.
October: Loud & Clear Qld Concert & Conference
I am a member of Loud & Clear, a self-advocacy group for people with intellectual disabilities. We held our annual conference and concert in October. The Loud & Clear members worked all year to develop an inclusive event for people of all abilities. The theme was ‘Reach for the Stars ’and it was a big hit. I loved every minute of it and every year it gets bigger and better.
October – December: CYDA
CYDA (Child and Young People with Disability Australia), invited me to be involved in a co-design project called Child Safe Organisation. The co-designers are people from across Australia with all types of disabilities. We will be developing resources for organisations to educate them on keeping children with disabilities safe.
October – Melbourne: Inclusion Australia meeting
I attended a strategy meeting day in Melbourne. Staff from Inclusion Australia and Our Voice talked about values and working together as a team. Our Voice did a presentation on how we can participate more in the group.
It has been two years since I started at P2P and I am still going. I am thrilled to be working with a team of really good people and colleagues. P2P has shown me so much over the 2 years and I hope I can live up to their expectations.
Thanks for your membership application.
We will take this to the Board for approval and will be in contact with you shortly.
In the meantime if there’s anything you need, please contact our team 1800 777 723